
Los Reyes Magos

We celebrated three kings day today. We woke up and had the traditional hot chocolate and roscón for breakfast that they have every year. We then went to the tree and the shoes we put under the night before were filled with gifts! The mom simmulated what it's like for the little kids that don't know any better and had put dog food and a bowl of water near the tree for the camels along with some Christmas candy and three shot glasses filled with wine for the three kings. When we woke up, the wine had been drinken and the camel food somewhat eaten too.



This past week we were in Borau, a small town on the border of France, snowboarding/skiing. On New Years Eve we had a family dinner followed by everyone sitting at the TV waiting with his or her twelve grapes. Each time the bell sounded at midnight, you had to eat a grape. The bell sounded a total of twelve times so after the chimes finished, we were left with a mouthful of grapes. The tradition is that if you can eat them all you supposedly have good luck for the rest of the year. After we went outside and launched a mini hot air balloon and made a wish when that floated up. Then everyone got all dressed up and we left the house around 1:30 AM to go to a city called Jaca for the remainder of the night. In Jaca we went from club to club until about 6 AM. We came back home, drank hot chocolate, and then finally went to bed!

Oh, and, on a side note, I finally had a dream in Spanish! 


Feliz Navidad!

This past weekend I went to a gala and it was Christmas. 
The gala was Friday night starting at 11:30 PM and went until 6 AM. We went and had our hair and makeup professionally done and got dressed up in high heels and black dresses. I didn't want to wear tights but when I said that everyone looked at me like I was crazy because everyone here wears them so I settled with skin colored tights. 
I thought I would be a lot more upset at Christmas than I was. It didn't even feel like Christmas to me whatsoever so I think that helped me stay happy. We had a big family dinner and then opened the presents from the "hinchero" (like Santa) after dinner. I got an Eguzkilore necklace which is the name of a very typical flower here in Euskera, watch, Basque Country cooking book, Platero y yo (classic spanish novel), a stress ball in the shape of a Euro, shirt with the Lauburu on it (the symbol of the Basque Country), and a incense/candle piece. 


Mi Último Día del Colegio

Today was my last day at Askartza (my school) and I honestly didn't think it would be as hard to say goodbye as it was. I was completely surprised at the end of the day when everyone was sitting down and I was called up to the front of the class. I was given a present on behalf of my normal class and my English and Latin classes. Yesterday my teacher pulled me out of class to talk and apparently that's when the students collected the money and talked about ideas. So yesterday night they bought part of the gift. Today more people brought money so during lunch two girls in my class walked 2 km to a mall to buy another little gift. I was shaking when I opened the gifts because everyone was clapping and cheering and I eventually broke down into tears once everything had been opened. By that time the bell had rung so I gave everyone goodbye kisses. I had no idea how much that class had grown on me the 3 months I had been there until I had to leave them. :(


Resumen de Este Fin de Semana

Friday: I had to say goodbye to Camila because she was leaving for Columbia on Sunday and not returning until January 15th.

Saturday: I will not be going back to ASB again as Saturday was my last day! The kids had a Christmas concert (which was absolutely adorable) followed by a party in the classroom to end the program. The grandma was nice enough to make a Christmas tree shaped cake to bring for the children! 

Sunday: I was supposed to participate in an 11 km race but it was called off due the the red alert weather; there has been 7m waves, persistent pouring rain, and extremely strong winds. Instead, I went with Borja to ride horses again except this time through the mountain. 



I went with Irati, Naroa, and Borja (their cousin) today to ride horses on the beach. I was really surprised at how relaxed they are here with it: no waivers, helmets, or experience necessary. Although I am sore now,  don't ask me why, it was a very fun experience.


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 
-Winston Churchill

Something that has become evident to me while I've been here is the prominence of opportunity: take every chance given and make the most of it. To grow and succeed, one must take risks.